Sushi Bar is pleased to present its third, and quite possibly, the wrongest show so far: Yale Photo Instagram. As the title suggests, the exhibition includes select images from several Yale Photography MFA alumni's Instagram streams.
As Instagram continues to enter the art world and the artist's hand, the emphasis between this specific group of photographers and this social media filter become unlikely cohorts, creating a series of pairings that straddle the fences between accessibility and prestige, personal and professional, public and intimate, analog and digital. And so, we are excited to join the sweeping trend of "Instagram shows," this time, giving stage to this specific demographic of picture makers.
The pictures here are printed through a Digital C-Type process, furthering them away from their native digital screens but retaining how they were originally seen when posted. The photographers’ images in the show not only hint at their individual worlds, but the dissimilar and familiar relationship to their own bodies of work outside of Instagram.

Allison Sexton | Bryan Graf | Curran Hatleberg | Jen Davis | Jenny Drumgoole | Joseph Maida | Justin Schmitz | Justine Kurland | Kathryn Parker Almanas | Lois Conner Maayan Strauss | Marzena Abrahamik | Pao Houa Her | Peter Baker | Rory Mulligan | Sam Contis | Sarah Muehlbauer | Terttu Uibopuu | Tommy Kha
June 20th - July 4th, 2014
Curated by Tommy Kha and Maayan Strauss
Opening reception:
June 20th, 6-10PM

Artists on Instagram: